
Spirit of the north fox
Spirit of the north fox

A charged explosion must be used to defeat spores left from the plague they will also act as progression triggers being required in some areas to advance blocking the path. When the Dashing ability is added to the game, the player must use wind gates and dashing in combination to reach higher areas. Respawning the spirit a few times is expected to find the stone hidden away. For example, the spirit form stones you must fill need to be found in a short time frame and interacted with. The path to follow is linear and the puzzle can sometimes be hard to find. There are some stones that need to be lit with ‘Y’ that will activate a door or a wind gate which propels our character. Not all of the stones are used for story. Exploring in spirit form will leave our physical fox behind and may be left on a pressure plate while the spirit uses ‘Y’ to fill a stone. Some other abilities unlocked later on include Dashing, which recharges if we are energized, and exploring in spirit form which last briefly before dissipating. Using ‘B’ will bark which can bloom a recharging flower or pick up a staff. This is the main tool used to deliver the games story since there is no dialogue between the few characters in the game other than barking.

spirit of the north fox

There are stones with text throughout the game and can be lit up with the use of ‘Y’ when energized. The flowers respawn so energy is always available. Each fur has a unique spirt pattern that lights up when energized by a flower.

spirit of the north fox

The number of shamans saved will unlock customization options for our fox so we can pick between different furs. Knowing all of this will make clean up on the game’s collectibles easier. The game also lets you know at the chapter select screen how many shamans the player has saved out of the total and autosaves after each shaman. There is chapter select and the game will let you know if you’ve missed one with the tracker popping up when a shaman has been reunited with their staff. The staffs when being held by the fox (in the fox’s mouth) will crackle when nearing the remains.


The shamans throughout the story require their staff to free their spirits and some are hidden extremely well. The glorious purpose of our playable red fox is to help the guardian back to the peak and rid the land of the plague that devastated a lost civilization. The sky is filled with this Red plague in streams travelling to the source, a mountain peak. With one spirit missing, the world has fallen to some red plague that has spread throughout the land. The two guardians act as Yin and Yang and both are required to find balance in the world and emit the Northern Lights. There is a blue form of the guardian and there is another red form, during my initial playthrough I thought the red guardian would be the villain, but I was wrong. The guardian helps guide the player and moves ice walls around when our fox barks with the use of ‘B.’ After the first chapter and being introduced to our new friend, the game uses written text on stones to deliver the story of what went wrong in this sickly land. The gameplay starts out slowly with the red fox exploring the abandoned region and discovering the Guardian Spirit. There are a total of 28 shaman to be saved across the eight chapters with the core amount of gameplay being in Chapter 4 and 5.

spirit of the north fox

The gameplay for Spirit of the North: Enhanced Edition is filled with exploring Iceland on a linear pathway and saving fallen shaman. This third person adventure title plays partly as a puzzle platformer and primarily a relaxing journey. Most, not all, abilities are a onetime use and must be recharged by blue flowers, Spirit Blooms, scattered around the explorable map. The Guardian is a blue wisp, or spirit, that allows our small red fox to become filled with power and can use special abilities while charged with energy. The player controls a red fox who becomes entangled with the Guardian of the Northern Lights, a female spirit. Being set in the Nordic region, the game follows suit with the font choice and with use of some Nordic folklore. Developed by Infuse studio and published by Merge Games, Spirit of the North: Enhanced Edition originally released for PlayStation and Steam in November of 2019.

Spirit of the north fox